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content last updated in june 21st, 2024

Hello, ladies and gentlemen!

I've been busy for the last week due to work, personal commitments and, sincerely, cooling off. It's been a tough era but things are coming along pretty well: I've been investing on my new hardware and, well, I can't wait to get it running already! It's a pretty good setup, not the fanciest tech but still more than enough for me.
The Star Fox drawing is still being made, but sincerely I don't know where to apply the sketches I've made... I wonder if it'd be cooler for a fan comic or just finish and post it as a standalone artwork. Regardless, it's still a work under its way to the digital sunlight.

I'm working on a new character I've been wanting to create since I've created a Neocities account: Gaw, himself. Check out my gallery's drafts, I've uploaded a rough sketch presenting the ideas I have for him. Remember, done is better than perfect.
Gaw is supposed to be a mirror of myself from real life (because I'm not actually a bodybuilder like my first artwork suggested lmao) but I treat each character I make as a part of me, and I'm willing to tell future stories with them and with more characters I will also be creating. Stay tuned, and I thank the friends I've made here for keeping up with me. Simply put, you are awesome people.

Lastly, but not least, yes I'll be rewriting this website's code in order to make some external widgets to work, and also because I wanna rework the visual identity. Again, stay tuned, and thanks for keeping up!

about me

19 year old, male furry who is currently a Computer Science student and a hobbyist digital illustrator. I love computers, and games (especially Zelda games), and music (also, especially indie rock)! And I have brainrots biweekly, which I will be listing each one soon enough under a separate page.

I also enjoy having creative freedom in my works, hence why there's a huge orange block on the top of this page. However, it's an ambition of mine to provide a comfortable and fun place for everyone.

Hope you like what I do! And if not, give me a feedback, cold shoulder, whatever.
